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Music Video Submission Is Easy

By Timothy Davis

Videos are very powerful. With the music playing under the visuals, it can really resonate with people watching. It can be touching as people watch the visuals. Music video submission can be simple as people filming videos and are ready to have it viewed by a producer to publish it, will know how to do that. Make the instructions very simple for people to read and understand.

People submitting material to your organization may have questions about how to submit their work to you. Be available for these questions or have a receptionist to receive calls or emails that come in regarding this. Put adequate instructions for them to contact you so the people submitting work can get a hold of you.

Know what types of files your work needs to be in. Still photos that you may use should be in jpeg format usually. Moving videos which show the footage are usually in mov format. Keep clear instructions on your website for people to read. You may also want to stay mainstream in your software so it is easier for people to submit.

If you an information technology professional, you may want to consider using them to your staff. It will be worth the investment. They will be there at hand to help answer questions and offer support if you get stuck. Dedicating your time and attention to your work of promoting artists and not technological issues may be worth it.

If someone submits something that you like, you should notify them and tell them that you can publish their work. Have a plan for how you are going to promote the video. You could show it on various talk shows and other places where it will be seen by a large part of the public. People just starting out will know it will take time to promote their work.

You may need to reach out to other people who have more knowledge you about certain things that an applicant will need to get promoted. The whole industry is a big picture which has several puzzle pieces to it. You and other professionals are the puzzle pieces that others have faith in to help them get started in the industry.

Encourage all of your applicants to have reliable ways for you to contact them such as email or phone. It would be horrible of you cannot get a hold of them. You have decided to work with someone and they left no phone number or email address when they sent you their reel. It would be very heart wrenching to have to move onto someone else because of a lack of simple information.

It may get stressful at times trying to promote people, but try to see the reward in it. You got into this industry for a reason. Focus on that reason when you have trying days where you have to learn patience or humility. Try to learn something new about each person that you meet. Their work is a reflection of who they are.

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This article collected, selected and written by: Author Van Hoc

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