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Early Divorce Warning Signs To Look Out For

By Catherine Butler

It is not all marriages that end at death. A lot of people will get divorced at a certain point in life. Some are shocked on a morning when they are asked to sign the papers. Others will have prepared because they could see the divorce warning signs early. Without watching these signals, you will be left disoriented socially, financially and emotionally.

Has he or she stopped working towards your happiness? Are the days he could read your thoughts and surprise you with actions gone? This is an indicator of things getting bad. If a partner ceases to lift the burden off your back without you asking for it, there are chances that the attraction has faded. What burned inside him or her has waned and your emotions are no longer important.

Drifting apart socially and emotionally is a sign of danger. It happens when you no longer go out together or worry about how your partner spent his day. You stop being as intimate as you used to. You no longer feel the urge or need to report where you are going or what you are going to do. This is a clear sign that things are about to go south.

Surprise, surprise! Complains about each other is a sign of love. Yes, it shows that you care about each other. There are behaviors you complain because you want the person to be better. In other cases, you are trying to avoid being embarrassed in front of friends and family. Since you care, you complain in the hope that he or she will change. When love flies off your nest, you will find someone to complain to and you will no longer care. Then you know that your hearts are drifting apart.

Negative words and comments all the time are a sign of danger. Your partner begins to belittle your efforts, goals, appearance and every move you make. Every partner wants to be supported in order to grow and achieve something in life. Being belittled and pinned down all the time could arise from the fact that he or she no longer cares about you and feels like you are a burden.

Fights are normal in relationships. The problem is when they become about small issues. When the love well is running dry, what was normal for the two of you will become a cause for conflict and squabbles. Such fights arise from a weakening emotional link and diminishing tolerance for each other.

An increase in incidences of excuses indicates that the connection is breaking. It gets worse when it touches on issues you would ordinarily do together. He no longer wants to be seen with you. Your traditions are broken and social links weakened. It is a sign that he or she does not regard you as a part of his life as in the past.

It is the joy of every partner to be a priority. However, when divorce is nearing, other things, especially excuses, take your place. Going out or being seen together becomes a burden for him or her. You stop creating memories together. Invitations are not extended to you. Well, it is time to take action because you are about to get to the end of your road.

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