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Facts To Know Before Buying Old English Sheepdog Puppies For Sale

By Scott Johnson

Right now you have landed on this article page because you are making a search for a new dog as a companion and as a pet. You have also recently seen an Old English Sheepdog puppies for sale advertisement. Before you do make a commitment and buy one, do read on in this article for a few facts and tips about the said breed.

Most if not all of the prominent dog societies in the world will classify this particular breed as one belonging to the herding class. The herding behavior which this dog will exhibit will come out sometimes when around other pets and animals, where they will try to herd them into one place or group by pushing, circling and even nipping at times. However, as most dogs of this breed are made for show purposes, this behavior gets less apparent as generations progress.

Many people will believe that since this dog is quite large, that it will function well as a guard dog. It does have a deep, and ringing bark which gives this notion, but in fact this is mistaken for it to have guard dog abilities. This dog will exhibit timidity and even a bit of skittishness when around people that it does not know or even familiar with.

When young, the dogs of this breed are quite playful an active. Hand in hand with its big size, then it is much recommended that you keep this dog in a place where it has plenty of space to play around in. It is therefore quite obvious that this dog is not made for small space or small house living. It is also a dog that will require regular daily exercises or walks for an hour at the minimum.

This breed will exhibit a bit of alpha dog behavior and will be strong willed and stubborn. Thus to offset this kind of behavior and hard headedness, you should also exhibit a very strong personality and confidence so that this dog will obey you. Should you be lacking a strong sense of confidence or even personality, then this dog may be a bit harder for you to control.

The fur of this sheepdog is classified as very long and quite shaggy. Due to this they will need regular grooming and clipping. As for the grooming part, this has to be done more regularly around the mouth and chin areas, for they do drool heavily and dirt will get stuck to their saliva wet fur. Be aware also that this is a dog that is prone to flatulence.

Most if not a majority of the health complications that this breed will encounter will be related to its shaggy fur. They will experience temperature regulation problems and so the fur must be kept short during the hot season or summer months. Likewise the fur around its eyes should be trimmed short so as not to irritate and infect the eyes.

This is not a long lived breed despite its size. It will only average around ten to twelve years in terms of lifespan. One can extended this a bit further if proper maintenance and diet is adhered to. On top of this extra loving care will also do the trick in keeping this dog alive a bit longer.

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