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Youth Today Without Adolescent Rites Of Passage

By Saleem Rana

Patrick Barrasso, Founder of In Balance Continuum of Care, Az, and Molly McGinn, Learning Specialist and Founder of Bloomtree Learning Communities and Treehouse Learning Community, Az. discussed adolescent rites of passage with host Lon Woodbury on L.A. Talk Radio. Lon Woodbury is the owner and founder of Woodbury Reports, Inc. He has worked with families and struggling teens since 1984 and is the host of Parent Choices for Struggling Teens.

Guest Background

Patrick Barrasso is the founder and Executive Director of In Harmony Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program, as well as the founder of the In Balance Ranch Academy. As a psychotherapist with over 25 years of extensive training in teen and adult drug abuse and mental health treatment, he has actually given lectures at the U.S. Journal Training National conferences, as well as at FACES, an acronym for Family and Addiction Conferences and Educational Seminars, speaking on a wide variety of teen treatment subjects, especially the difficulties of conquering teen substance abuse.

Dr. Molly McGinn is a learning specialist. She has been a consultant for 17 years. She makes and promotes management and administration abilities training programs for international businesses. Dr. McGinn holds a MA and Ph.D. from UCLA in Cultural Anthropology. She instructed at the Academy of Science in Sichuan Province in China for two years. She also taught in Tibet after the Chinese takeover. She is proficient in oral and written Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish and English.

Adolescent Rites of Passage

The interview began with Patrick explaining adolescent rites of passages as practiced by tribal cultures and how it helped young people create a distinction between childhood and adulthood. More than just a ceremony, a rite of passage demarcates change from one state to another. Essentially, it's symbolic of the death of childhood and the birth of adulthood. Rites of passages need to be unique and affirmative to leave old behaviors behind and welcome new behaviors.

Patrick pointed out that there were three stages. The first stage marked separation, a giving up the old lifestyle. The second stage marked crossing a threshold, a transition period of considerable confusion. Finally, the third stage marked incorporation, a time when the new maturation was being welcomed.

Molly explained rites of passages from her perspective as an anthropologist. She emphasized the role of mentors to guide young people to experience the rites of passage. Since modern culture often lacked elders to initiate young people, youth tended to initiate their own rites of passages by joining street gangs.

The show ended with a common agreement that if formal adolescent rites of passages were introduced in our existing culture, it would make a massive change that would give young people a much greater understanding of their new adult roles and responsibilities.

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