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Some Effective Communication Skills For Couples

By Harriett Crosby

It these times of busy work schedules, many couples are expressing their discontent with the developments in their love life. In any relationship, intimacy will only be possible if the involved parties take time to grasp effective communication skills for couples. At the heart of most relationship problems are misconceptions about the very essence of communication in a marriage.

At all times, communication must be thought of as a two way exchange of opinions and ideas, not a scenario of the orator and an audience. You must create room for feedback from the other person every now and then as you voice your concerns. Though you may be certain that you are on the right and your other half is wrong, do not let this fact compel you to dominate your conversations.

Nevertheless, do not hesitate to let your real emotions come into their perception. At the same time, leave room for your other half to express their mid and feelings about the topic under discussion. Rather than engage in a fruitless game of blaming each other, concentrate on talking more about yourself instead of finding the other person in the wrong.

Misunderstanding a spouse is the surest recipe for a heated argument. To get their point, you must have good listening skills and take time to mentally digest what they said. A good listener will give unwavering eye contact and combine it with body language such as nodding the head or repeating their words for clarity. It is not advisable to infer their meaning based on some experience you had in the past as it comes off as a rude gesture.

If you find yourselves yelling and shouting when talking, try calming down or abandoning the talk to resume it at some other time. Married life can be very stressful and a lot of personal sacrifice is necessary to avoid ripping it from its very foundation. This is because these contracts attempt to bring together two strangers with different background to live and experience life as a team.

Escapades at work should not spill over into the household, whether your boss gave you a hard time or fired you from a prestigious post. Your home should be a place of calm for two people to rest their wary bones at the end of a busy day. It is possible for your bad moods to rub off on another person if you cannot suppress them.

Practice o toe variation to avoid adopting a monotonous drawl when speaking with your spouse. Do not mumble inaudibly ad avoid shrills ad whining as it could e irritating. When saying something, make sure it matches with your body language as this accounts for seventy five percent of the message set across. As a basic rule of thumb, never utter insulting words or expressions because they cause more harm than good.

Choosing to keep your concerns to yourself may maintain calm for a while but eat you from inside. A hushed up problem festers into an ugly problem that is a potential threat to your happy days. Many people on sessions to learn effective communication skills for couples are told to dedicate a minimum amount of time daily to tackle family issues.

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