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Fighting On Addiction And How To Overcome It

By Robert Stewart

People are very much dependent to things that makes them feel happy especially when they are stressed and exhausted. It is normal to find outlets that makes one feel bit of relaxed. Others would choose their hobbies like listening to music and painting but there were also people that found the relaxation on things that are actually dangerous for health. And what makes it even more bothering is that it turns into vices and addiction which is quite hard to control. Some of these addiction are with alcohol, computer games and recreational drugs. Those who want to break away from that can actually sign up for online addiction counseling which is pretty much helpful.

There are also self help that could be done so that the recovery from that becomes a little easier. First would be having someone to talk to and support that decision of breaking free from the chain. Make sure to have those people who would be of support rather than those who would try to bring one down. This can be through a loved ones, families and close friends.

Being around these people would be so great especially when times get rough and giving up is the closest thing to do. Family is always their to lift a family member up, wipe the tears and remind how everything would still be okay. Sometimes the support therapists provide is not enough to motivate a person out of the bad habit, they need love and care.

Find a new hobby and reading is one of that. People tend to think that reading is something which is terribly boring but once people start, it may be a great way to take ones mind away their problems. Books can bring one to places of imagination that is limitless and it would open up the senses in a way person would not think that is even possible.

Take note of those weak points. On the process of recovery, it cannot be helped that there are still times where one would feel the craving and urge to do those things they are trying to run away from. Take note of those times so that it is quite easy to do other activities during those times of day.

Do little exercise at least once per week. That is very helpful in terms of channeling the stress out and releasing them. Aside from that, it could remove those toxins inside the body that are mostly causing the negativity. Break free from those routine and have a little stretch, it could make the brain even healthier.

Then try to start a project. It can be for personal interest or it can be from other people. Organizations that promotes doing outreach programs for less fortunate is a great way to start it. Being in such situation would be an eye opener on what the world is outside the box. It would help one think of others instead of focusing on the weaknesses at hand.

Be the master of own mind. Do not ever let the loneliness bring oneself back to wherever one wants to get away from. Be happy on own company and learn to control whatever force inside the brain that keeps on triggering the negative feeling because once an individual learns to do that, that is when they are really free.

Last but not the least, lean on things that gives peace. Meditation and finding the spiritual balance. That is the best way to be genuinely happy in life.

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This article collected, selected and written by: Author Van Hoc

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