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Renting An Inflatable Obstaccle Course For Your Next Party

By Rebecca Collins

You have a party or a specific holiday or celebration on the horizon and are looking for interesting activities that will appeal to both adults and children. You have thought of all the usual activities such as magicians, musicians, caricature artists, and photo booths but are seeking something that will provide some physical activity. An inflatable obstacle course that that will provide hours of fun and movement may be just the perfect addition to your event.

You can rent this structure for all types of events including reunions, picnics, birthday parties, employee parties, and fundraisers. You can raise money by charging for each run through the course. The funds raised can also help pay for prizes for race winners.

To be able to rent this structure at all, you must have a proper area to set it up in. What is needed is a large, flat grassy area. Before renting, be sure to get the dimensions of this large structure to ensure that you do have room for it. You may even have an indoor space that is suitable. Remember: extra care would need to be taken to make sure small ones do not tumble over the side onto a hard surface. If a huge carpeted area is available, so much the better.

The biggest advantage of renting this structure is the ability to turn it into a very competitive activity. Before your event, be sure to purchase or borrow some stopwatches so you can individually time the competitors who run through the maze. Designate "helper, " who can assist. To be even more precise, make vests with numbers on them so scores can be more easily kept in each heat. If it is an employee party, have different department race against each other. If several individuals compete, you may need to have several heats and then have the winners of these heat compete against each other.

Get creative with your prizes. You could have small medallions or even little trophies made for 1st, second, third and fourth places. Have individual work departments compete against one another. Candy and toys are always well received by the younger set.

Make sure small children who use this structure are very well tended. The last thing you want is for someone to get hurt. Make everyone else aware of youngsters underfoot to help keep them safe. If you have a huge group at your gathering, it may be in your best interest to hire a few caregivers for the younger ones and maybe even rent a simple but separate moon bounce for their private and safe entertainment.

If this activity is a great success, others you may wish to consider could include a clown, ventriloquist, dunking booth, miniature merry-go-round, pony rides, a petting zoo, or even a miniature train. There are so many options to provide entertainment for your guests, both young and old.

Use a carnival theme to really set the stage for your event. INclude a variety of activities and games for attendees. Don't forget to include food booths, music, and challenges such as ring tosses, basketball free-throw competitions, and beanbag tosses. This is a really unique way to reward employees, celebrate a special occasion or raise money for a good cause.

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