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3 Rules About Implementing Special Effects

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

If you've seen any number of movies, chances are that you've been exposed to special effects. These are nothing short of common, even if you didn't recognize them at first. They can be used for any number of things, whether it's creating a filter for a movie to be filmed through or bringing life to the most dynamic characters. With that said, for those who are curious to know how these effects should be used, here are 3 things you should know.

Special effects, when they are of high quality, aren't immediately noticeable. It might seem hard to believe, but it's possible to incorporate CGI without making such an effect apparent to the audience. For example, the "Lord of the Rings" movies feature some of the best effects in cinema, even for their time. Everything from the creation of Gollum to the vast landscapes are nothing short of tremendous. These elements play into the betterment of special effects, as students across art colleges will come to learn.

You also do not want to make special effects the entirety of your production. While these are nice to look at, chances are that they can be used to extremes where people start to believe they're seeing synthetic productions. Any Long Island advertising agency can attest to the importance of authenticity, which must be seen in this respect as well. If you develop a production, and you start to see that the aforementioned effects are taking precedence, dial back on them.

There's also the matter of the different art forms associated with special effects. Let's say that you're producing a fight scene, and you have to create wounds. Makeup design might be used to do this, since these specialists understand how to work with different facial features. As you can see, special effects go far beyond what computers can do. Your understanding of this field should be as broad as possible, which you'll learn over time.

Special effects matter for many reasons, but they must be brought into productions with care. Without this element, various productions will not be able to stand out nearly as well as they should; in some cases, they might not be created at all. Regardless of what you'd like to use them for - it could be anything from weather patterns to bringing life to unique creations - care must be exercised. If this is the case, the projects you ultimately create will stand out.

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