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You Can Survive Your Acne! Learn About Pimples And How To Control Them Today

By Cromwell Chapman

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people. There are varying reasons why acne develops in the first place, but there are some common methods of cure that can work for anyone. Read and try some of the quick tips about pimples in the article below to help you on your way to curing acne.

Rubbing a bit of fresh garlic on an acne breakout can hasten healing. Garlic is well known as a natural antiseptic as well as an antibiotic. If you want to avoid smelling like you are trying to repel vampires, a garlic supplement will help, although it's not as effective as direct application.

Another thing about pimples is that your hormones can cause your acne. This can be especially true if you're a teen. This is the body's way of letting you know that it is going through constant chemical changes. Many teens do grow out of this phase once they are past puberty though. However, if you're older, this can last for years and be caused by hormonal issues. It may be wise to seek a physician or dermatologist for advice.

Although acne is the subject of many jokes about teenagers, it is a condition that negatively affects the self-esteem and psychological well-being of many young people. If you are a parent who would like to help your child deal with the emotional aspects of acne, there are resources available to help you with this process. Finding a reputable dermatologist who is trained to recognize the psychological effects of skin conditions is an important first step in relieving both the cause and the result of the acne. A counselor or psychologist can teach your teen how to cope with his or her feelings and alert you if the child is having any thoughts of suicide. Find out if there are any acne support groups in your area or search for an online forum for acne sufferers, that you and your son or daughter could join together. These precautionary measures could turn your despondent youth into a happy, carefree teenager again.

When you see that huge zit, most people are tempted to pop it. Instead, do not touch it at all! The irony about pimples is that by popping the zit, you release the white blood cells that had been attacking the bacteria on your face. You will then get a mini scar on your face that will last a long time.

If you have a bad reaction to salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or any of the acne products that you use on your face, stop using them immediately. Sometimes certain products will irritate your face. Understanding the products that hurt your face is just as important as finding the products that help.

If you don't have time for a shower after working out, at least wipe your skin down with an alcohol-free makeup removing wipe. These wipes work just as well on sweat, oil, and dirt as they do on makeup. Leaving those contaminants behind can lead to serious acne breakouts and other problems.

Apply hydrocortisone to your skin to get rid of pimples. The next time you get a pimple, put a heat compress on it. Do several cycles of these heat compresses. Afterwards, take hydrocortisone cream and put it on the bump. This should reduce swelling and redness. It may even get rid of the pimple entirely.

As recognized earlier, acne can range from mild occasional small blemishes to large, angry, pustules which take days to clear up and can leave disfiguring, deep pits in the skin. By adopting strategies from this article, you can hope to clear up the milder cases and consult a doctor for more serious issues about pimples.

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This article collected, selected and written by: Author Van Hoc

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