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Learn What It Takes To Be A Display Artist

By Young Lindsay

The use of visually appealing window and in-store displays has long been used by the retail industry to capture the interest of customers. A certain degree of talent and knowledge is needed to be able to conceive and assemble such arrangements of a store's merchandise. A display artist or visual merchandiser is the professional who is responsible for this important aspect of marketing.

Besides stimulating shoppers' interest in the products for sale, a visual merchandiser must also market the store itself. A retail layout that is inviting and lively will not only entice consumers inside, but it will also keep them wanting to look around more. It is a dynamic field of ever-changing trends, seasons, and promotions, which must be addressed with a creative flair for devising new displays.

People who are interested in pursuing a career in this field, first require a high school diploma and then formal instruction at a design school or community college. Educational requirements may vary from one employer to another, and some may offer apprentice-based training in visual merchandising but generally it is recommended that one should attain a suitable degree or diploma from a post-secondary institution if he or she wishes to be considered equally for advancement in the future.

There are basically two educational routes to visual merchandising training: a two-year Associate Degree or a four-year Bachelor's Degree. Both programs familiarize students with the essential elements of design and teach them how to implement these creative tools into actual designs. The four-year program simpler gives them a broader knowledge base and more detailed skill-set.

One core concept integral to the study of visual merchandising is the trend and market analysis. Being able to successfully interpret current trends in the consumer marketplace is crucial to one's knowing how to best display and arrange merchandise to draw shoppers. So much of this job is "hands-on", which is why most schools include a co-operative work experience as part of the program.

In terms of growth projection for this field, it is anticipated that the need for visual merchandising will continue to increase. New stores are opening all the time, which naturally implies that there will be the need to hire professionals to manage the visual aspects of these retail establishments and the image they present to the public.

There are many individuals employed in this field who earn an above-average salary. Those who have just begun their careers can be expected to earn less than seasoned professionals with several years experience under their belts, since proven expertise does play a role in determining pay. Educational background can also influence earning potential, making it a worthwhile investment to spend longer in school and grab any chance to gain experience.

Most visual merchandisers can expect to put in a 35-40 hour work week on average, but sometimes extra hours may be required to meet important deadlines. Over time, those who are employed by one store may be given positions of more responsibility such as manager or supervisor of the visual merchandising department. Some designers may also choose to do freelance work and establish their own business, as they develop a sizable client base.

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This article collected, selected and written by: Author Van Hoc

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