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Dating Hong Kong Girl-Step By Step Plan To Meet Her Family

By Meng Li

If you have been dating a Hong Kong girl for quite a while and things are going pretty good. You also feel she might be your Miss right. Despite the comments about pitfall about dating Hong Kong girls, you don't have the usual problem.

Until one weekend she comes to ask you, "Hey baby, can you meet my parents next Saturday?" When you heard about this, you feel panic. You don't know what to do and who you can turn for help. Actually today we are going to show you some tips. So no need to be panic and keep reading!

Actually, take a deep breath at first. It won't be that bad. You might have heard lots of myths and stories. The truth is your parents of your HK girlfriend are not that hard to please. What they want is the best for their daughter. To be frank, you might think they are money oriented, but they are just not that bad in most cases. What you need to do is to do some preparation and you will be great.

Dress to impress: First impression is very important. The first step is to find some neat and smart clothes. If you don't have it, go to buy some. In fact, your Hong Kong girl should give you the best advice about what you should wear for the occasion. She can also go shopping with you if you both have time.

Career talk: When you meet her parents, try to talk about your career and ambitions. You should also talk about your ability to make money. Not everybody are working at the investment bank or accounting firm. But as long as you can show to her parents you have the ability to support the family, you don't need to worry too much about that.

Respect: You should show great respect for her parents. You don't need to agree with everything they say. But try to avoid some sensitive topics like politics and anything related to death. It will possibly ruin the whole atmosphere. It's very likely they will offer you some beer or wine. Remember do not drink too much. You don't want to say some stupid things.

In the end, it's OK for you to feel a bit nervous if it's your first time to meet an Asian family. It's a very important step for your relationship with your girlfriend. I am sure you will feel more comfortable when you have more chances to meet her family in the future. Good luck!

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This article collected, selected and written by: Author Van Hoc

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