toolbar builder Beautiful And Intelligent Australian Labradoodle Therapy Dogs | NicheSite TriVanBlog

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Beautiful And Intelligent Australian Labradoodle Therapy Dogs

By Dominique Martin

Australian Labradoodles have numerous great qualities, besides being beautiful and lovable. Their kind nature, high intelligence, good manners and loyalty and obedience make them more than suitable for being involved in different therapies. Australian Labradoodle therapy dogs are carefully selected and trained for participating in various therapeutic activities.

Some dogs are more suitable to become good in this, while some don't fulfill all the requirements. This depends not only on a particular breed, but also on the dog's personality. It is important to make an early assessment of your dog's personality, to determine if he could be successfully trained for various activities needed for this particular purpose.

When puppies are still very young, their personalities can still be recognized. Most puppies belong into one of thee basic categories. Some are really active, inpatient, playful and restless. Others are very quiet and shy, and show fear in some situations. You are primarily interested in the third type, so called beta puppies. They have balanced personalities, they are fearless, but with calm and kind nature, and they are obviously intelligent. They are easiest to train.

Therapy dog needs to be calm, but self-confident, eager to learn new things, obedient and clever. He has to be comfortable with loud noises, slick floors, crowds, elevators and unfamiliar people and animals. Good breeders know how to assess dogs' personalities. Besides, they will make sure that all puppies are properly socialized before arriving to their new homes.

When you are positive that your dog will make a good quality therapy dog, it's time to start with his training. These activities have to begin as soon as the puppy comes to your home. You should start with basic socialization skills. Take your puppy for a walk and expose him to various life situations. Interacting with other people and other animals is really important in this early stage.

Although still very young, every puppy needs certain rules. Let it know what is allowed and what isn't, and stay consistent about it. If you let your puppy to sleep on your sofa one day, and don't let him to do the same thing tomorrow, with no obvious reason, poor thing will get confused. Of course, you have to be extremely gentle with these young ones.

Carefully selected and trained puppy has very good chances of becoming top notch therapy dog one day. It takes some time and effort, but you will also enjoy in this job immensely. Spending time with your loyal furry friend is always rewarding. Dogs deserve to be treated with respect, and their unconditional loyalty and love is something you have to appreciate.

Dog assisted therapies show really good results. That's why this type of therapy is used in numerous hospitals. Before being allowed to assist in therapeutic activities, every trained dog has to be tested. If your dog fulfill all given requirements and behave properly in different situations, he will be certified and allowed to participate in different therapies. You can take the dog for a test when he is at least twelve months old.

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