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Ways To Achieve Puppy Training In San Francisco

By Mattie MacDonald

The young ones of a dog are known as puppies. These just like human babies are new to their surrounding and green about most aspects of it. Despite their tender age and nature, young dogs can be quite troublesome if not managed and controlled well. This is what necessitates procedures used for puppy training in San Francisco.

Puppy training basically means introducing them to a favorable and acceptable routine and code of conduct. It involves teaching them a number of disciplines that improve their relations with other people around. It is no complex issue and any one with the time can do it. Specialists can be contacted only if the young is being raised work in high profile police work.

The best puppy to train is a healthy one. Therefore before anything else, this young dog should be taken to a medical specialist for a health checkup. The specialist in charge of the welfare of puppies and other animals is known as a veterinary doctor. This doctor will give the young pooch a full body diagnosis for proper body organ function and general well-being. He also immunizes the tender creature against certain complications like rabies.

In regards to proper health, proper feeding of this puppy is just as crucial. Proper nutrition should be observed. At least three meals a day should be accorded. These meals should be balanced in nature. If possible a specialist in the field of young pooch nutrition ought to be consulted for advice. Proper sleeping facilities should also be provided to ensure that the little animal gets good and ample rest each day. This is crucial for proper growth.

It is very crucial that the puppy is named right from birth or the time he was received. This will make communicating with it easy and more effective. The given name must be used at all times and by everyone concerned. Slowly the dog will get used to the name and will respond whenever it is used. This is the first step in obedience training.

In the meanwhile, the puppy should be allocated a proper resting place. This too takes getting used to, as they like following their master around even at sleeping time. Effort should be made to ensure that this young pooch always sleeps in their accorded place. It can be an organized corner in the main house or the traditional kennel.

Proper feeding alone is not enough, the meals should be timely too. A proper program must be drawn with the meal, time and place. The dog ought to be fed using the same facility and place. This should continue until this young pooch associates the particular place and container to food. This way the puppy will not contaminate other facilities. Also this will make food trapping them hard to achieve.

Simultaneously with all the previous aspects, this young dog ought to be introduced to taking simple instructions. Obedience to commands is a crucial part of successful dog training. Orders such as sit, stop, give are issued at this level. Exercise is very important too. The pet must be taken out for walks, playing in the park and other exercises

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