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The Advantages Of Puppy Training In Pet Ownership

By Elsa Noel

Dogs are easily the best friend of men. The tandem of man and dog even goes way back to ancient civilizations. This four legged furry canine has stayed closely at the side of their humans, assisting them in every way they possibly could. Through the years these animals have played the roles of hunters, sheep tenders, house watchers, even sympathetic companions. All these and more are only the reasons why more and more people are identifying themselves as dog persons.

Most dog lovers adopt puppies as soon as they are weaned and are able to eat, stand, and walk without the assistance of their mothers. This is due to the fact that effective dog training begins at the earliest stage possible. It is easier to teach them while young rather than when they are already old, which is why most owners enroll their pets in Puppy Training Kirkland.

Dog training is the efficient application of behavior analysis in connection with environmental events. Training is often done to modify the behavior of a dog so that it will be able to carry out certain tasks that assist humans in most activities of daily living, as with service canines. If the dog is meant to be a household companion, you can help make him comfortable to his new house by teaching him the ways of the house.

For a very successful training, all experts say that the best time to do so is when the animal is still very young. This is the time in their lives that they are open to everything. They learn very quickly and respond to sessions positively. Every session helps in building a lasting bond between animal and owner, rewarding you with a very happy and well trained mutt.

One of the basics of this type of training is to keep it short. These babies have a tendency to treat everything as a mere game due to their relatively short attention spans. Every lesson should not be longer than five minutes or they will get bored of it and will stop paying close attention. It is also best to add a touch of variety, changing lessons every so often to keep them engaged.

Excessive whining and barking are among the top problems that most dog owners have in common. You can never fully remove these actions, but you can control it as much as possible. The trick is to tell your pet when the action is acceptable and when it is not. Train him to stop when you say so.

Always remember to be the pack leader. If you do not show your puppy who is boss, he will seize that position. Be strong, confident, and consistent all the time. This does not involve distancing yourself, you can help him have fun without tolerating everything what he wants to do all the time.

Early on, you should teach it not to just go on biting sprees. Dogs instinctively bite as part of defense mechanism, but you can always him master the said ability. The best way to do so is to allow him to play with other puppies, so give him that kind of exposure.

All of these training could be very tiresome, but one must never waver. Consistency pays off in the end, when he has grown into a good member of the family. By then, he has learned all your rules by heart and will never forget about them.

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