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How To Reduce Back Pain During Pregnancy

By Matt Say

When you are pregnant, you know that this can be a challenging time of your life. One of those challenges is having back pain. About two thirds of all women that are pregnant will experience back pain, with the remaining being the lucky ones. Back injuries are something that you need to be cognizant of all you are pregnant, though you should be active every day. It is important to do exercise, without overstraining, while you are pregnant. To help you minimize the back pain that you may feel during pregnancy, follow the strategies below.

One device that every pregnant woman should use is called a maternity support belt. These are great for walking around or exercising, and there are many varieties to choose from. By wearing this around your hips, it can help support your stomach muscles, which will in turn support your back removing excess strain. The shoulder strap option is used by many women to get that added support. If you can't avoid spending time on your feet because of your job, wearing a support belt can help make it more bearable.

Have you heard of acupuncture? This is an ancient healing technique that can reduce back pain. You can talk to your family physician about acupuncture, which may be something that he or she recommends to control pain. The flow of your body's energy is directly affected through acupuncture using small sterile needles that can help reduce pain in almost anyone. When inserted, you will actually only feel a small prick. There is little if any noticeable pain from them.

One of the best places to exercise when you're pregnant is in water. Joint and back pain can actually be diminished by simply swimming in the pool while carrying your child. You can do a variety of exercises without straining your back in the water due to the fact that it will naturally support your weight. To protect your back, and get the exercise that you need, join a prenatal swimming program at a fitness center near you so that you can benefit from aquatic workouts. It is great therapy to simply float in the water. Most health clubs have swimming pools that will allow you to relax in the water.

We have discussed several ways it you can avoid back pain during your pregnancy, or at least keep it to a minimum while you are pregnant. The suggestions in this article will definitely help you, along with maintaining a proper posture while you carry your baby. Avoid straining your back in any way, even if it means asking for assistance when you need it.

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This article collected, selected and written by: Author Van Hoc

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