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Small Business Health Insurance Is A Great Employee Benefit

By Kelsey Schneider

The costs of medical care have been rising steadily, so that a serious illness can create huge debts. Because of this, Some help with medical expenses has become obligatory. The recently introduced tax benefits have made proving small business health insurance extremely cost effective.

This allows the owner of a business with fewer than 50 employees to make provision foe everybody working for the company. Helping your employees with medical cover benefits the company, as you reduce time off for sick leave. It is also a very tax-efficient way of rewarding your employees for their efforts.

Buying the cover through the government-sponsored SHOP program allows you to qualify for a tax rebate of up to 50% of your costs. This makes sense for the government, as it means they do not have to bear the burden of uninsured individuals and administering the program. For the individual, it means you can afford better healthcare.

People who work for themselves but have nobody else that they employ, there are special plans available as well. While companies with more than 50 employees will be phased into the plan at a later date. Within the next few years most people in the United States will have medical cover.

Complete details are available on the official website, which makes provision for all the different states. Different policies with varying benefits and prices are compared in a meaningful way, and the owner can simply select the most suitable. The whole process has been made very easy to understand.

By making the costs of small business health insurance a tax rebate, the government has shown it is serious about addressing the problem of high medical costs. This means that most people in the USA will be able to afford great medical care. It also allows company owners to show they take a personal interest in their employees.

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