Natural family planning Los Angeles is the kind of method where all religions and varied cultures are not against. Another term for it is is the rhythm. It is very affordable because you will only be using products you have at home which makes it very acceptable. Use a calendar and thermometer to conduct this approach. Your fingers will also determine your fertility rate. Artificial ingredients will not be used in this process.
The calendar method is by far the most simple method to learn. What you need to observe is the recording of the first day of your flow for one hundred eighty days. It will help you find the first menstrual cycle. Compute for the length of each cycle at this time. Record how many days it will take for the following period.
List down the length of the shortest cycle and that of your longest one. As you gather the data, subtract a total of eighteen days from the length of the shortest one. This will ascertain the first day from your fertile phase. Describe the phase beside the number so you will not be confused.
Find out which one is the longest and subtract eleven from the the total. Tag this as your last day as to which you will be fertile. Mark this with an red mark on your calendar. You should be abstaining during these days because at this stage you are fertile.
Another method that you can consider is the temperature approach. Be very patient in recording your temperature condition every time you wake up in the morning. Set aside a fixed time where you can write down on a diary all your records.
If you have taken a total of six readings, compute the average for your body temperature. Sum it up and divide it by six. If there are at least three of them that shows significant higher temperatures, it means you are ovulating.
The third day where you see that the temperature is high will be your infertile phase. It will be your free days and you are safe until the fertile stage progresses. Every morning, take a secretion from your vagina using your fingers. Your thumb and the opposing finger should stretch the sample you tool. Study its consistency and look.
If it is clear with string like consistency like an egg white, you are starting to ovulate. You will be tagged infertile four days after this check. It is no longer clear and mucus like in appearance, be warned. It will signal the fertile stage of your cycle.
Always be patient as you are taking the readings. Calculate the numbers properly so you will be successful in the process. Be reminded that the methods will always take a longer time to test. However, be assured that it will be worth it. This will be better if your religion does not allow you to use contraceptive pills. Learn more ways on how you can practice natural family planning Los Angeles by visiting your doctor.
The calendar method is by far the most simple method to learn. What you need to observe is the recording of the first day of your flow for one hundred eighty days. It will help you find the first menstrual cycle. Compute for the length of each cycle at this time. Record how many days it will take for the following period.
List down the length of the shortest cycle and that of your longest one. As you gather the data, subtract a total of eighteen days from the length of the shortest one. This will ascertain the first day from your fertile phase. Describe the phase beside the number so you will not be confused.
Find out which one is the longest and subtract eleven from the the total. Tag this as your last day as to which you will be fertile. Mark this with an red mark on your calendar. You should be abstaining during these days because at this stage you are fertile.
Another method that you can consider is the temperature approach. Be very patient in recording your temperature condition every time you wake up in the morning. Set aside a fixed time where you can write down on a diary all your records.
If you have taken a total of six readings, compute the average for your body temperature. Sum it up and divide it by six. If there are at least three of them that shows significant higher temperatures, it means you are ovulating.
The third day where you see that the temperature is high will be your infertile phase. It will be your free days and you are safe until the fertile stage progresses. Every morning, take a secretion from your vagina using your fingers. Your thumb and the opposing finger should stretch the sample you tool. Study its consistency and look.
If it is clear with string like consistency like an egg white, you are starting to ovulate. You will be tagged infertile four days after this check. It is no longer clear and mucus like in appearance, be warned. It will signal the fertile stage of your cycle.
Always be patient as you are taking the readings. Calculate the numbers properly so you will be successful in the process. Be reminded that the methods will always take a longer time to test. However, be assured that it will be worth it. This will be better if your religion does not allow you to use contraceptive pills. Learn more ways on how you can practice natural family planning Los Angeles by visiting your doctor.
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