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How Emergency Kits Save Lives

By Martina Levinston

A home emergency kit can be essential to your family's well being during a disaster, so having one is crucial. Hurricane Sandy caused a major problem for those who were not prepared for a disaster and had no power in their homes temporarily. Could you survive such a situation?

Hopefully, it won't ever be an issue. Even though the chance of this may be low, you should still have an emergency kit available in case you suddenly need it. These are some of the basic items that you should have ready:

A flashlight. Go with a high quality one, and a rechargeable version will not be suitable. Remember, the power could be out for days. You'll need lots of spare batteries, too, and you'll have to be careful to replace the spares before they get too old. If you're comfortable with a kerosene lamp, that's not a bad option, either. Candles should be included, and in order to light them or build a fire, matches are essential.

Hand sanitizer is another important item. Washing your hands may not be something that you can do for a while if the water system has been contaminated. In order to avoid germs and to stay clean, have paper towels and hand sanitizer ready for use at all times.

It's crucial to have a car adapter. This can help you recharge your smartphone and some other electronics, which will give you a link to the outside world.

It's crucial to have bottled water. When water is not fit for washing, it certainly isn't fit for drinking. Your home should have at least one spare case of water at all times because as we all know, it doesn't take long to become dehydrated. If a hurricane or other kind of disaster is imminent, gather as much drinkable water as possible.

The generally accepted recommendation is that you should have a food supply in your kit that will last at least 2 weeks. You'll need canned food, crackers, peanut butter and other items that don't have to be refrigerated. It will help if you have a way to cook as well - a gas grill will do just fine. Some spare gasoline should be stored safely. If you forget a can opener you will have some trouble, so store one in your kit as well. Some plastic utensils, bowls, and cups should be in the kit, as well as some paper plates.

Have a first aid kit with plenty of supplies inside. Keep bandages, antibiotic ointments and other supplies, in addition to pain relievers and gastrointestinal medicines and any allergy pills you regularly take. Be sure that any prescriptions your family needs are not forgotten.

Sleeping bags are convenient and most of us have them already. Your bed may not be accessible for a long time, keep that in mind. Sleeping bags can add some comfort - and warmth - if you're forced out of your home temporarily.

Having these items will not make the situation perfect. However, you and your loved ones will have a much better chance of staying safe and healthy until you can go back to your home with the power restored.

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