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Discover Bernese Mountain Dog Breeders California

By Harriett Crosby

If you purchase a puppy from reputable Bernese Mountain Dog breeders California, you'll get a quality puppy from someone who loves the breed. Be sure you're able to care for a dog bred for working, a dog with high exercise and companionship needs but a short lifetime. You must be able to financially, emotionally, and physically enjoy this breed, and continue to care for an aging extra large dog when it develops age related mobility problems.

This large working dog hails from Switzerland. They were used on the farm to pull carts and drive cattle from the farm to alpine pastures. The breed was officially established in 1907, recognized by the AKC in 1937 as a member of the Working Group.

The heavy coat protects from snow and cold, absorbing heat from the sun. The Swiss mountains rarely see temperatures above 75 degrees. These dogs love snow but have little tolerance for heat. When left outdoors, make sure there's always shade and water available. In hot climates, mountain dogs should be indoors during the heat of the day.

Bernese Mountain dogs need at least a 1/2 walk everyday. Provided your dog gets sufficient exercise and obedience training, you'll also have a calm, happy, easy going household companion. Play time in the yard can supplement, but not replace a daily walk. Bernese Mountain dogs aren't interested in fetch games. They don't entertain themselves and don't enjoy alone time.

This is a large heavy dog with a silky, heavy double coat of fur. Males weigh 85-110 lbs., females 80-105 lbs. All are black with a white chest and rust markings. They shed moderately year round, with heavy shedding occurring fall and spring. Clean ears weekly to deter ear infections.

This breed suffers a high mortality rate from cancer that has reduced the once respectable lifespan of 10-12 years to an average lifespan of 6-8 years. Breeders are working with researchers to turn this trend around. For the time being, owners should be prepared for the high likelihood of a cancer diagnosis. Like all large breeds, they're susceptible to bloat, hip dysplasia, arthritis, and hereditary eye diseases.

Mountain dogs were bred to be intelligent, calm, self-assured, and obedient. They're excellent watchdogs, reserved towards strangers but not aggressive. They're devoted to family members, loving and patient with children. Most are good with other medium to large dogs. Some have a strong prey drive that might be aroused by smaller pets.

Bernese Mountain dogs have many talents including tracking, herding, watching, guarding, search and rescue, carting, and competitive obedience. Any of these activities can satisfy their intelligence and exercise needs. They love pulling carts and children, and are often seen in parades. Many regional Bernese clubs offer carting workshops. The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America offers drafting trials.

Contact regional clubs to find reputable Bernese Mountain Dog breeders California. Be sure you understand the health guarantee and buyback options. Ask about vaccinations, health testing, and medical records for the puppies and parent dogs. Ask about socialization techniques, and what you should do to continue socializing your new puppy. If you have other pets, let the breeder help you choose a puppy that best fits your family grouping.

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